

API reference for Plate plugins.

Plate plugins are objects passed to Plate plugins prop.

Generic Types

The PlatePlugin interface uses one generic type:


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    Represents the plugin configuration. This type extends PluginConfig which includes key, options, api, and transforms.

Usage example:

type MyPluginConfig = PluginConfig<
  { customOption: boolean },
  { getData: () => string },
  { customTransform: () => void }
const MyPlugin = createPlatePlugin<MyPluginConfig>({
  key: 'myPlugin',
  // plugin implementation

Plugin Properties

Plugin Properties


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    Unique identifier used by Plate to store the plugins by key in editor.plugins.

    An object of API functions provided by the plugin. These functions are accessible via editor.api[key].

    Transform functions provided by the plugin that modify the editor state. These are accessible via[key].

    Extended properties used by the plugin as options.

    Event handlers for various editor events, including onChange.

    Defines how the plugin injects functionality into other plugins or the editor.

    Defines the node-specific configuration for the plugin.

    Allows overriding components and plugins by key.

    Defines how the plugin parses content.

    Defines serializers and deserializers for various formats.

    Defines rendering functions for various parts of the editor.

    Defines keyboard shortcuts for the plugin.

    Store for managing plugin options.

    An array of plugin keys that this plugin depends on.

    Enables or disables the plugin. Used by Plate to determine if the plugin should be used.

    Recursive plugin support to allow having multiple plugins in a single plugin.

    Defines the order in which plugins are registered and executed.

    • Default: 100

    Property used by Plate to decorate editor ranges.

    Hook called when the editor is initialized.

Plugin Methods


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    Creates a new plugin instance with updated options.

    (config: PlatePluginConfig<C['key'], InferOptions<C>, InferApi<C>, InferTransforms<C>> | ((ctx: PlatePluginContext<C>) => PlatePluginConfig<C['key'], InferOptions<C>, InferApi<C>, InferTransforms<C>>)) => PlatePlugin<C>

    Creates a new plugin instance with additional configuration. Can accept either an object or a function.

    (extendConfig: Partial<PlatePlugin> | ((ctx: PlatePluginContext<AnyPluginConfig>) => Partial<PlatePlugin>)) => PlatePlugin

    Extends an existing nested plugin or adds a new one if not found. Supports deep nesting.

    (key: string, extendConfig: Partial<PlatePlugin> | ((ctx: PlatePluginContext<AnyPluginConfig>) => Partial<PlatePlugin>)) => PlatePlugin

    Sets or replaces the component associated with a plugin.

    (component: NodeComponent) => PlatePlugin<C>

    Extends the plugin's API.

    (api: (ctx: PlatePluginContext<AnyPluginConfig>) => any) => PlatePlugin<C>

    Extends the editor's API with plugin-specific methods.

    (api: (ctx: PlatePluginContext<AnyPluginConfig>) => any) => PlatePlugin<C>

    Extends the plugin's transforms.

    (transforms: (ctx: PlatePluginContext<AnyPluginConfig>) => any) => PlatePlugin<C>

    Extends the editor's transforms with plugin-specific methods.

    (transforms: (ctx: PlatePluginContext<AnyPluginConfig>) => any) => PlatePlugin<C>

    Extends the plugin options with selectors.

    (options: (ctx: PlatePluginContext<AnyPluginConfig>) => any) => PlatePlugin<C>

Plugin Context

Most plugin functions receive a PlatePluginContext object as their first parameter. This object includes:


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    The current editor instance.

    The current plugin instance.

    Function to get a specific option value.

    Function to get all options for the plugin.

    Function to set a specific option value.

    Function to set multiple options.

    Hook to subscribe to a specific option value in a React component.

For more detailed information on specific aspects of Plate plugins, refer to the individual guides on Plugin Configuration, Plugin Methods, Plugin Context, Plugin Components, and Plugin Shortcuts.